The Benefits of Purified Air

How Do Indoor Air Purifiers Work?

Air purifiers use a system of internal fans to pull the air in your home through a series of filters that remove harmful airborne particles like dust, pollen, and bacteria. The air purifier then circulates the purified air back into the room. This process repeats itself several times an hour, keeping your environment healthy.

With this information in mind, an air purifier should sound like a solid plan, right? If not, here are some points to consider:

  • Air purifiers ensure you and your family are breathing clean air. The EPA estimates that indoor air is two to five times dirtier than outdoor air — and sometimes up to 100 times dirtier. A good air purifier circulates and cleans the air, keeping you healthy.
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  • Air purifiers remove unpleasant odors. You love to cook, but your weekly fish fry makes the house smell like, well, fish. Air purifiers don’t only clean the air, they also help get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • Air purifiers trap airborne allergens released by pets. You may love your pet, but your furry friend releases pet dander, fur, and other airborne allergens into the air in your home — not to mention the smells! Air purifiers help combat these allergens by trapping them before they settle into your home.
  • Air purifiers help neutralize smoke. Smoke stinks. Whether it’s a family member who smokes or your love for a roaring fireplace making your home smell dingy, an air purifier can help trap smoke before it ends up in your upholstery.
  • Air purifiers trap dust. There will always be dust. No matter what you do to keep your home clean, dust accumulates. An air purifier helps trap dust before it has the chance to settle, reducing build-up and leaving you with less to clean.
  • Air purifiers remove up to 99 percent of airborne bacteria. Small airborne particles like pollen, mold spores, and other bacteria float around in the air, causing your family to get sick. By cycling the air in the room repeatedly through internal filters, an air purifier helps remove up to 99 percent of these airborne pollutants.
  • Air purifiers combat seasonal allergens. Seasonal allergies are a problem for many people. Air purifiers help keep the allergens that make breathing uncomfortable out of your home.
  • Air purifiers stop sickness and germs from spreading. Worried about catching your children’s flu? Your spouse’s cold? True HEPA air purifiers with UV bulbs capture and neutralize up to 99.97 percent of the airborne germs that you want to avoid.
  • Air purifiers keep your lungs healthy. Consistent exposure to dust, pollen, dander, and other airborne particles can cause long-term breathing and health issues for you and your family. Using an air purifier in your home gives you the confidence that your lungs will be healthy for years to come.
  • Air purifiers fit everywhere. They come in a variety of sizes and have a variety of features that will keep the air healthy in any room of the house.

Fighting the Dust War

It’s the time of year when you may be starting to run your AC unit (or at least be making sure it’s ready for the hot days to come. If so, then you should also be making sure that you home is ready for your system to com on. One thing you should be considering is dust buildup.

Most of the time, dust may collect and you clean that spot. However, there are some places that aren’t dusted as often, such as the blades of a ceiling fan or the window blinds. These places can sometimes be tricky to clean, but don’t worry! We found some good tips for you at These tips will help you get rid of the dust in these hard to handle areas and help keep your unit running smoothly.

Comfort Matters: Preparing Your Home For Spring

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The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the squirrels are chasing each other up and down the trees. With all this activity going on, it’s hard not to get excited about the arrival of spring. So if you’re feeling energized and enthusiastic about this bright and breezy season, why not seize the moment and get some spring cleaning and much needed seasonal home maintenance done!

Get the clutter gone.

Decluttering is a great way to rid your home of stuff you no longer want, need or value. The benefits of owning fewer things are manyfold and include: fewer things to clean, fewer dust traps, less stress, less to organize, and more free time to do the things you really want to do. 

Decluttering also frees up space in your home, which makes spring cleaning even easier. And if decluttering the whole house in one go feels too daunting, then simply tackle it one day at a time. If you get rid of one item every day for a whole year, by the time you’ve finished the project, your home will be 365 items lighter.

And for the items you want to keep, why not consider new ways of storing them or keeping them tidy. There are plenty of home organizational tips and tricks available to help you get ideas. Sometimes, just reorganizing your home can help you maximize the space you have and minimize the hassle you experience every time you want to find or use something.

Clear and clean—inside and out.

The outside of your home has probably taken more of a beating from winter than the inside, so start there. Walk around your home and examine caulking around the outside of windows and doors, and open those windows and doors and examine the weather stripping. Replace old or cracking caulk and worn weather stripping, where necessary. Also, inspect the roof for broken or missing shingles or tiles, and clean out gutters and downspouts at the same time. 

Remember to check the air conditioner unit.

And while you’re outside checking the house and tidying the yard, remember to also check the air conditioner unit to ensure it’s debris free and in good working order. In fact, springtime is an ideal time to get your air conditioner, and the rest of the HVAC system, cleaned, serviced and ready for summer. So contact your local Lennox® Dealer soon and schedule an HVAC maintenance check. Clean coils, ducts and filters help to ensure that the system works efficiently and effectively all year long. 

Think about cleaning the air in your house, too.

Cleaning the windows is a great place to start your inside spring cleaning. With so much more light filling your home, it’s easier to see just how much cleaning needs to be done. From ceiling fans to carpets and curtains, and from bathroom tiles to the top of kitchen cabinets, once you start clearing away the dust of winter, it’s really hard to stop. 

But here’s one thing you may not have considered during your spring-cleaning frenzy, how clean is your indoor air? Springtime, especially, means the release of a lot of pollen and mold spores into the air, which in turn can cause a lot of unpleasant allergy-related symptoms. Lennox has Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) solutions that can remove 99.9% of allergy-causing irritants from your home’s air, providing extremely effective allergy-season relief. So when you’re getting your HVAC system serviced, ask your Lennox Dealer about what type of IAQ solution would be right for your home. He can recommend solutions that will combat your exact IAQ problems. So even if you can’t change the season, at least you can change your home into a sneeze-free, cough-free, and itchy-eyes-and-runny-nose-free zone.

Spring Cleaning

Spring has come and appears to be here to stay. If you haven’t already, it’s a good time for Spring Cleaning. Dust and dirt can settle around the house, making both allergy season and your system performance worse. There are always a few tasks that seem difficult, but here are some tips to make cleaning this Spring easier. From cleaning your refrigerator’s coils to the fixtures, here are some tips to make it all a little easier for you this year.

Spring Cleaning Tips – Reader’s Digest

Spring Heating & Cooling Maintenance

The spring season brings different changes to many things, including the weather. The temperatures can swing anywhere between soothing and frigid. A sunny day might be trailed by several days of rain.

As the spring climate is unpredictable, preparing your system bodes well. Keeping up with a healthy home is more than just traditional Spring Cleaning. During winter, numerous parts of your house are dismissed or are not used as frequently as others. Getting both the interior and exterior of your home in place for spring will guarantee that you are prepared to enjoy the warmer weather.

Below are some maintenance tips you will surely find helpful this season!

  1. Duct Cleaning

For better breathing and indoor air quality, you should hire an expert duct cleaner, usually every five to seven years. Amid an expert tune-up, an expert in HVAC can educate you on the condition of your air ducts. Talk with an expert about testing those air ducts for you.

  1. Air Filter

Changing the air filter during this season is a good idea, as well. Your air filters ought to be replaced based on need and use, normally around thirty-to-ninety days. Always examine and inspect your air filter monthly, ensuring whether it is clean enough to continue using or if it should be replaced.

Your air filters are critical to keeping up good and quality indoor air. If the air filter is messy, the air is likely also dirty. Moreover, if the air filter is messy, it is harder for your air conditioner/cooling system to carry out its activity; bringing about poor air current, increase wear and tear, and higher energy costs.

  1. Keep away from heat by using your windows and vents effectively.

Work your thermostat efficiently and make good use of your fans and other ventilation methods to help cool your home. Check all vents and window seals to ensure that you shield hot air from leaking into your home.

You should observe that your cooling system is efficiently running. Lighting and appliances can increase the heat inside your house, making your system work overtime and cause wear and tear. Try to limit the appliances running together, especially during peak hours.

  1. Regulate your thermostat to a comfortable level.

This is a season to keep your home warmer than ordinary when you are away, and regulate down the thermostat setting to 68°F (approximately 20°C) just when you are at home and need cooling. A thermostat that could be programmed will make this easy to reset your temperature.

Learn how to use your thermostat to save more energy.

Refrain from setting the thermostat colder than typical when you are using air conditioner. This won’t cool your home any quicker and could bring about overcooling and other costs that are not necessary.

There you have it, a few tips to make sure your home is prepared for the pleasure this spring season has to offer.

Summer Home Exterior Cleaning

Take care of your home this summer by washing the outside of your house and cleaning the siding. It is best to use a garden hose instead of a pressure washer to avoid damaging the exterior of your home.