New Season, New HVAC?

When was the last time your heating/cooling system was upgraded? As we enter the warmer seasons, having an efficient and powerful HVAC system can significantly improve the comfort level of your home or office building. Whether you’re looking to have an HVAC system installed for the first time or wanting to schedule maintenance or an update to your existing one, the professionals at Air Handlers have you covered!

Benefits of an HVAC System

Having an efficient HVAC system for your home or building provides many perks, the first of which being able to control the temperature inside. Controlled temperatures help keep an area comfortable and fresh, as a suitable unit also helps filter the air and reduce allergens, dust, and other particulates floating around in the area.

Maintaining an HVAC System

Maintaining your HVAC system is easy with the help of the pros at Air Handlers. Whether it’s anything from connecting a thermostat to performing large scale maintenance or upgrades, we’ve got you covered! If you ever need to have your system serviced or checked for issues, simply contact us and we’ll send out a member of our team to take care of your system.

Easy Seasonal Care

Modern HVAC systems require very little when it comes to seasonal care as a homeowner. Historically, many heating and cooling systems would need winterized, covered, or otherwise protected/modified for the colder seasons, but with modern HVAC technology, many newer systems need little to no seasonal prep or changes.

Whether you already have an HVAC system that’s due for an upgrade or you’re looking to have a brand new unit installed, the experts at Air Handlers are up to the task. Give us a call to schedule your upgrade or maintenance, or to get more information on how we can take your home’s temperature control to the next level with a new system.

Saving Money on Energy Expenses

In the extreme heat and cold, keeping your home temperature controlled can become expensive. While maintaining a comfortable atmosphere may be essential depending on where you live and the current weather, there are other ways you can save money on your energy expenses to compensate for the climate control costs.

Before getting into the miscellaneous tips, the best thing you can do to cut down on climate control expenses is to upgrade your system to a high-efficiency one. While this has an expense itself, it can save you a substantial amount of money down the road. However, these next tips require little to no investment and can still help you save on your monthly bills.

• Adjust your thermostat farther from the extremes.

Your heating and cooling system can keep your home at a comfortable temperature without having to be set to extreme settings. If you are comfortable adjusting your thermostat a few degrees away from the extreme, that can help you save some money.

• Keep your windows and doors closed.

When your windows and doors are open, the climate-controlled air escapes outside and your heating and cooling systems need to work harder to maintain your ideal temperature. Keeping your windows and doors closed helps keep your home temperature controlled and reduces the wear and runtime of your system.

• Turn off your lights when you leave a room

One or two lights may not seem like a big power cost, but actively leaving multiple lights on adds to your monthly bill. Even if it only saves you a few bucks a month, that still adds up over time. You can also swap your light bulbs out for newer, more efficient ones, as that will also impact your costs.

• Set your thermostat to “Auto” and not “On”

When your thermostat is set to “On”, it is constantly running and increasing your utility costs. When you set it to “Auto”, it only turns on when the temperature of your home starts to get away from your thermostat setting.

• Change your furnace filter

When your furnace filter gets dirty, the efficiency of your furnace suffers. Changing your furnace filter regularly will keep the heat flowing properly. This doesn’t need done frequently, as depending on your furnace and filter size you only need to change the filter every 6-12 months.